IŞİD’e karşı mücadele ettiği için 18 aydır Sırbistan’da tutsak bulunan ve Türkiye’ye iade edilme kararının itirazı 18 Ocak’ta görülecek Türkiye’li enternasyonalist devrimci Ecevit Piroğlu için Ecevit Piroğlu Özgürlük İninsiyatifi tarafından başlatılan video kampanyasına birçok gazeteci-yazar ve siyasi temsilci video yayımlayarak Sırbistan’ın Ecevit Piroğlu’nu serbest bırakmasını istedi.
‘Ecevit Piroğlu’na Özgürlük’ kampanyasına katılanlara teşekkür ederek dayanışma çağrısını yineleyen Özgürlük İnisiyatifi, video kampanyasına destek vermek isteyenler için mail adres ve sosyal medya adreslerini yayımlayarak duyarlılık çağrısında bulundu.
Ecevit Piroğlu’na Özgürlük kampayasına destek vermek için adresler:
Twitter adresi: www.twitter.com/ForPiroglu
Mail: [email protected]
To the citizens of #Serbia and the peoples of the world
Ecevit Piroğlu's extradition case is a political case. The political struggle represented by Ecevit Piroğlu is the struggle of millions in Turkey and Kurdistan (🎥1/3)@MFASerbia @UNHCRSerbia @Refugees @avucic @volker_turk pic.twitter.com/0oKx6q5BrF
— Freedom for Ecevit Piroglu (@ForPiroglu) January 9, 2023
Küresel Özgürlük İnisiyatifi, 18 Ocak’ta Türkiye’ye iadesine ilişkin son temyiz duruşmasının görüleceği devrimci tutsak Ecevit Piroğlu için çağrı yaparak, tüm uluslararası güçleri harekete geçmeye davet etti. https://t.co/1f8Q5q3TyF
— Rachel Hebun Özdemir (@RachelHebun) January 9, 2023
Journalist Elif Sonzamancı 💬 : Turkish revolutionary Ecevit Piroğlu has been imprisoned in Serbia for 18 months. I want freedom for Ecevit Piroğlu. #Serbia should stop the extradition to Turkey. Extradition would be a crime against human rights@MFASerbia @UNHCRSerbia @Refugees pic.twitter.com/Fy3HDLEleI
— Freedom for Ecevit Piroglu (@ForPiroglu) January 10, 2023
Writer @sukru_yildiz 💬 : Turkish revolutionary Ecevit Piroğlu has been imprisoned in Serbia for 18 months. I want freedom for Ecevit Piroğlu. #Serbia should stop the extradition to Turkey. Extradition would be a crime against human rights@MFASerbia @UNHCRSerbia @Refugees pic.twitter.com/RG5pbJ5Ldk
— Freedom for Ecevit Piroglu (@ForPiroglu) January 10, 2023
Journalist @CemallTuran 💬 : Turkish revolutionary Ecevit Piroğlu has been imprisoned in Serbia for 18 months. I want freedom for Ecevit Piroğlu. #Serbia should stop the extradition to Turkey. Extradition would be a crime against human rights@MFASerbia @UNHCRSerbia @Refugees pic.twitter.com/t9iVnZuLam
— Freedom for Ecevit Piroglu (@ForPiroglu) January 10, 2023
Journalist @ates_hus 💬 : Turkish revolutionary Ecevit Piroğlu has been imprisoned in Serbia for 18 months. I want freedom for Ecevit Piroğlu. #Serbia should stop the extradition to Turkey. Extradition would be a crime against human rights@MFASerbia @UNHCRSerbia @Refugees pic.twitter.com/JyZvHdY50H
— Freedom for Ecevit Piroglu (@ForPiroglu) January 10, 2023
Human rights activist Ahmet Dağlı 💬: Turkish revolutionary Ecevit Piroğlu has been imprisoned in Serbia for 18 months. I want freedom for Ecevit Piroğlu. #Serbia should stop the extradition to Turkey. Extradition would be a crime against human rights@MFASerbia @UNHCRSerbia pic.twitter.com/RV2UEjhZzY
— Freedom for Ecevit Piroglu (@ForPiroglu) January 10, 2023
Journalist Tekin İnce 💬: Turkish revolutionary Ecevit Piroğlu has been imprisoned in Serbia for 18 months. I want freedom for Ecevit Piroğlu. #Serbia should stop the extradition to Turkey. Extradition would be a crime against human rights@MFASerbia @birtekinince@UNHCRSerbia pic.twitter.com/0w3iaZMxrn
— Freedom for Ecevit Piroglu (@ForPiroglu) January 9, 2023